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Sundials & Horses ...
and a bit more besides!

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A look at the big issues of

climate today?

Over 650 papers and articles here!

This is me - Patrick...

The Powers. You've reached the Web page of the Powers family (Patrick, Catherine, Victoria, Mark, Evelyn and Anna and of course their partners Jane and Matt) in Harpenden, Herts and in adjacent counties of the UK. It should now be clear what the interests of at least one of us are!  To those past interests we can also add a canal narrow boat and a reasonably rare (only four known of the actual type and year) 1932 Morris-Cowley two-seater; see car restoration link HERE... Both the Narrow Boat and the Cowley have now been sold on to new owners. Sad but necessary as a result of increasing old age since these images were first taken!!


Click picture for
my interest in Sundials

Sundials come in many shapes, sizes and styles. They represent a fascinating link with a past technology. A little bit of explanation here and some hints on how to find out more... You can also learn how to join the British Sundial Society (BSS). There's also information here too for anyone wanting to know more about the Society and to explore an independent archive of documents, information, policies etc relating to the society, current news and comment on sundials generally as well as some reflexions on earlier conferences. Includes a link to the equation of time figures for the current year - one of our more visited pages.
The drawing on the left is of an interesting dial in Kent.


Click the image for EoT Corrections

Equation of Time Figures
More re Sundials:

If you are looking for accurate Equation of Time figures
they are HERE Equation of Time for this year    

Click the image for the International SunInfo
page of Sundial News and Interest
SUNDIAL News, Information and Comment about Sundials, Sundial Websites, Sundial Societies and Related Matters. Including an independent web resource that may be of interest and use to everyone interested in the world of sundials. Well over 100 documents are now archived or linked here and all the pages are updated regularly too.  There have been over twenty thousand visits to just this part of the website!

Click Here (or the image on the left) or scan the Datamatrix icon below - perhaps with your mobile/cell phone to visit SunInfo and start browsing!


  The Amble Dial 

The Amble Millennium Dial. Opened to the public in May 2001. Photos of the 12 metre diameter Millennium Dial and of the opening ceremony can be seen by clicking Here or on the photo on the left. I did the calculations (it's called the 'delineation') and following some excellent work by the artistic consultants and the building company, the dial has proved to be remarkably accurate. Check it out.

The whole Amble Development also won the 2002 RTPI Planning Award for Town Regeneration!!

  The Barrow-on-Soar Millennium Dial. Declared open on 3rd July 2004 by the Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire, this is the Millennium Park and Sundial at Barrow on Soar in Leicestershire. Pictures of this imaginative dial  can be seen HERE.

Car Restoration

of a 1932

Morris Cowley ...Before


Cowley.jpg (98622 bytes)

Click picture for our
Cowley restoration website

Here are some photographs of the restoration of my 1932 Morris-Cowley Tourer.  Owned by me since 1956 but until 2014, not driven since 1965!  Together the Cowley & I have seen a lot. The photo on the left was taken in the winter of 1962-63 and I still have it framed, here in my office at home.  Yes, it started first time after the snow had been cleared off!  The Cowley has been away for the engine to be un-seized, for new wings to be made and for certain other works.  But it is now back. Its 85th Birthday was on 18th June 2017! The Cowley was first registered on 18th June 1932 you see.

In September 2014 it was driven again and even made it up Kop Hill at the 2014 Kop Hill Climb!


Click HERE to see the start on the Hill!!

Click HERE to see more photos of the car and the state of its restoration as of 2002...

Sadly we finally had to dispose of the Cowley when we downsized so it was auctioned off on the 18th May 2019 by Historics Auctions.

Miscellaneous Restoration Details:

I - Details of the wiring and operation of the Lucas 'PLC' Ignition Switch, the Lucas 'CFR2' Cut out, the Lucas 'A900R' Dynamotor as used on a 1932 Morris Cowley Tourer  are HERE. Mention is also made of the original Lucas 'CF1' cut out that was originally fitted to this car AND there is a diagram of the wiring of the dashboard too.


II - Details of the chassis layout, operation of the fuel gauge, component parts of the hydraulic brake master cylinder and even how to fit the doors and locks back on are HERE.


III - Replacement hubcaps in stainless steel are easily obtained for this car but not so the nuts that attach them to the wheels.  Details of the necessary hubcaps and nuts and how they may be obtained are HERE.


HERE are some pictures of some of the cars that came to the 2013 Kop Hill Climb! Sadly my Cowley was not amongst them that year; BUT with a lot of help we finally got there in 2014, and we took it up the hill too!


Click picture for Horses

And now for Horses!! Click the image on the left to go to the Horse section of this site.

My horse Domino was covered by Dandy, her new owner's stallion, in late June 2006 and she finally gave birth to a colt on the morning of 3rd June 2007 at something like 07:30 BST. He wasn't there when they checked Domino at 06:15 but was when they checked again at 08:30! He's a piebald (black - or nearly chocolate - and white) coloured colt and was named Patrick!  He has four white legs and a white blaze just like his Mum. So, there was great excitement all round.


Click picture for Horses

Also see my Blog at:- http://sundialshorses.blogspot.com/

Regular readers will recall that the 20th August 2005 was a sad day! After a lot of thought I had decided to sell my horse, Domino. I had not been riding for a while and she was not getting enough exercise or attention so I sold her to a friend in Ireland who had known her when she was here and who had just started up a new riding school in Malin, Co Donegal - Rose Cottage Riding School which, following expiry of the lease on the land, has now sadly closed.  Domino was collected around noon on the 20th August to take only her second trip in a horse box (the first was when she first came to the yard aged 4) and her first sea trip as far as we know! Her journey took over two days but she had rest stops overnight en route in Carlisle and Omagh. I went to see her in Malin on Tuesday/Wednesday 30th/31st August. She had of course settled in perfectly, I think I worried more during her journey than she. She had immediately recognised the lady to whom I sold her as she came off the box and has never looked back. I have since been over a few times to see how she's doing - I am spending nearly as much on trips to Ireland as I did on her! Well, not quite of course!!

Her then new owner, Kate, had Domino covered by her own black and white piebald cob stallion, Dandy, in July 2006 and on 3rd June 2007) the result of this union was finally born as you will have seen from the above!

-- 000 --

They always say that converts are the worst...<gg> A late comer to riding, I have come across a little bit about horses in recent years... This is really an excuse to put up pictures of Domino - she the 'cutie of the huge hooves' - and of Badger a mischievous horse owned by a colleague. As of 2009, Domino was 18 years old but by 2005 she had not been ridden by me for ages firstly because of her foot injury which seemed to flare up whenever I rode and then just as that got better I was prevented from riding because of the then UK Foot & Mouth epidemic!  Even though that was eventually lifted and we could ride out again, I seemed to find more excuses not to than I should....  Before going to Ireland Domino had lived and wintered out in her field where she was No1 (or sometimes No2 to a 'pushy' gelding) and was used in the School on a few days a week. 

Some photos here of a sometimes dishevelled Domino!!

In 2011 the Riding School in Malin closed following the expiry of its lease.  Domino was then transferred to another riding School in County Donegal where she did much the same!  She was then (2014) aged 23.  Patrick was then with a lady in the South East of England.

**** Sadly we heard on the 16th July 2014 that Domino had been found dead in her field on Thursday 10th July 2014.  She was lying with her head between her knees and is thought to have probably died from a heart attack****
  Want to know more about Vaccine Successes? eyes   Just look at how vaccines have been so beneficial to humans HERE

Now, you Maths freaks....1

Question: What's the significance of this sentence?

How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics. All of thy geometry, Herr Planck, is fairly hard...

For the answer click here.


Now, you Maths freaks....2

Have you recently taken The UK's A-Level Maths paper?:  Want to see if the paper you took is the same or harder than one set to 17yr olds 70+ years ago in 1954?  If so then CLICK here and join in the 'Dumbing Down' debate about education today by sending in your comments too.... You may need to print the papers out to see all the detail. Please send any comments to the Webmaster
  Just how prescient
was this?
Read President Eisenhower's valedictory Speech to the American People! Eisenhower's final address. The entire world should have listened to him...

The logic behind Income tax and why it can be necessary to bring back tax thresholds lost by removal of indexation -  despite what the SNP may think in Scotland.... :-)

Thanks too for the HUGE contribution to tax made by the richer of society!

Old but still valid - and amusing:

The UK tax system explained using a beer analogy:-

Suppose that once a week, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to 100 pounds. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this..

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing. (all in pounds sterling)
The fifth would pay £1.
The sixth would pay £3.
The seventh would pay £7.
The eighth would pay £12.
The ninth would pay £8.
And the tenth man (the richest) would pay £59.
So, that's what they decided to do.

The ten men drank in the bar every week and seemed quite happy with the arrangement until, one day, the owner caused them a little problem. "Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your weekly beer by £20. Drinks for the ten men would now cost just 80 pounds.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free but what about the other six men? The paying customers? How could they divide the 20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share? They realized that 20 divided by six is 3.33 but if they subtracted that from everybody's share then not only would the first four men still be drinking for free but the fifth and sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.

So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fairer to reduce each man's bill by a higher percentage. They decided to follow the principle of the tax system they had been using and he proceeded to work out the amounts he suggested that each should now pay.

And so, the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (a 100% saving).
The sixth man now paid £2 instead of £3 (a 33% saving).
The seventh man now paid £5 instead of £7 (a 28% saving).
The eighth man now paid £9 instead of £12 (a 25% saving).
The ninth man now paid £14 instead of £18 (a 22% saving).
And the tenth man now paid 49 instead of 59 (a 16% saving).
Each of the last six was better off than before with the first four continuing to drink for free.

But, once outside the bar, the men began to compare their savings. "I only got 1 pound out of the 20 pound saving," declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, "but he got 10 pounds!"

"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved one pound too. It's unfair that he got ten times more benefit than me!"

"That's true!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get 10 pounds back, when I only got 2 pounds? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison, "we didn't get anything at all. This new tax system exploits the poor!" The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next week the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had their beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important - they didn't have enough money between all of them to pay for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and government ministers, is how our tax system works.

We really should applaud the 'so-called' rich who pay so much of ALL tax for us.

Reality at Last?

(Or pigs might fly...?)


Put Quite Simply,

Today's Climate Science is faulted.


A look at the BIG issues of climate

and just where the science is faulted!


Click to see:

Nearly 600 articles here!!!

 ***Just see where we are today***
Click the Link to see what little effect CO2 has on the world

It was Copernicus who by his work showed us how fragile time-honoured scientific conceptions can be...
The hypothesis of Anthropomorphic Global Warming has proved to be yet another....

"The main flaw in the AGW theory is that its proponents focus on evidence from only the past one thousand years at most, while ignoring the evidence from the past million years evidence which is essential for a true understanding of climatology".Gregory Fegel  LINK January 14, 2010

In a similar way, I calculate that a reduction in the amount of CO2 by half, or a gain to twice the amount, would cause a temperature change of 1.5 degrees C, or + 1.6 degrees C, respectively. ― Svante Arrhenius (1906)

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite. Dwight Eisenhower, 1961

Below are some seminal articles from 2015 up to now, largely (but not always) in date order. Here is a list of some important videos about the outstanding issues - Many of them are very revealing yet few will research them - Hmmm, now why do you think that would be?.

In recents months some web provders appear to have deleted links that expose the falsity of some articles on climate science.  Where these are available the links are being restored. The Character R has been placed in front of such recovered articles so that the reader can be alerted to such antiscientific practices.

R A Look Back to The False Promise of Green Energy, Acton Lecture Series (April 26, 2012) - Green energy advocates claim that transforming America to an economy based on wind, solar, and biofuels will produce jobs for Americans, benefits for the environment, and restore American industry. Prof. Andrew Morriss, co-author of The False Promise of Green Energy, shows that these claims are based on unrealistic assumptions, poorly thought out models, and bad data.

R Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever's speech at the Nobel Laureates' meeting 1st July 2015. Ivar points out the mistakes which Obama made in his speeches about global warming, and shares other not-well known facts about the state of the climate. Well worth a listen here!  Especially the effect one match has...

R At last, back in January 2015 we had a simple peer-reviewed Climate Model that actually predicts what's happening and as of August 2015 it has even been shown correctly to predict conditions backwards in time too. Why do the other models show such variation and lack of correlation with reality?  Maybe this is why?

R Then as of February 2015 and despite today's worries about the warming effects on the climate of animal-generated methane, we have scientific proof that methane seepage from the Arctic seabed has been occurring for millions of years!  In March 2015, it became clear that the temperature records on which much of current climate science has been based, have been 'adjusted'. And then, just in time to rescue the 'damsel in distress', comes this about Water Vapour.  To make you laugh here is a cautionary tale. Finally the Quote of the Century.  By the IPCC too.  Why is it being ignored so much...?  Perhaps more importantly why are some now trying to stop any research that's directed at testing the AGW theories of the IPCC? Such testing is surely the basis of the scientific method?  Let us get the science right.  Yet, in June 2015 we have the Royal Society of Edinburgh apparently making this very mistake.

R In April 2015 an interesting investigative study concludes: "The question is why, in the teeth of the scientific and economic evidence, nearly all of the global governing class were so easily taken in or bought out or both by the strange coalescence of powerful vested interests who have, until now, profited so monstrously by the biggest fraud in history at such crippling expense in lives and treasure to the rest of us, and at such mortal threat to the integrity and trustworthiness of science itself".  Is it right?

R Then, in September 2015 we have this interesting paper by William M Briggs PhD, an Adjunct Professor at Cornell University.  The Sixteen 'Last Chances' since 2001 - and still counting!

R A True 'Man of Science'.  Prof Bob Carter died on 19 January 2016 after a heart attack at the age of 73.  Just as with fellow countrymen and subsequent Nobel Prize winners, Drs Marshall and Warren (whose derided theory regarding heliocobacter-pylori was later proved to be correct), Carter's Australian University vilified him for sticking to his scientific principles when all about him disagreed.  He stood up for real science in the face of quite unscientific argument. Now in a really imaginative move a Turmuhrglockenspielmelodie has been composed for him by colleague Lord Monckton. Follow the link for details and the tune! Then follow this link to hear it as if played on the Ghent Cathedral Carillon! Magic. A fitting tribute indeed.

R German physicist and meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls Is a beacon of sanity in the matter of Climate Change. Drawing attention to the use of Argumentum ad Verecundiam he says Ten years ago I simply parroted what the IPCC told us. One day I started checking the facts and data first. I started with a sense of doubt but then I became outraged when I discovered that much of what the IPCC and the media were telling us was sheer nonsense and was not even supported by any scientific facts and measurements. To this day I still feel shame that as a scientist I made presentations of their science without first checking it. If they checked further, they would discover that every climate forecast made by the IPCC since 1990 has been wrong". Read more of this here Another article here also linked at #563 below.

R The Command & Control Center of Climate Alarmism The existence of a foreign command & control centre within climate alarmism has apparently long been ignored, despite palpable evidence. The obvious deterrent to recognising it was ridicule, as the Left manage to label anybody making such claims as a believer in a conspiracy theory. It is already time (Dec 2016) to stop listening to fools and scoundrels. Yes, climate alarmism has a single command and control center. Read more of this here

R The William Happer Interview - a focused civil dialogue on Global Warming
Best known to the general public as a vocal critic of the U.N. IPCC consensus on global warming, Happer has been called frequently to give expert testimony before various U.S. congressional committees on the subject of global warming (climate change). In 2015, he found himself at the centre of a controversy involving a so-called 'sting' operation organized by Greenpeace but Happer never took the offered money for his work. Quote of the decade: "Historically, the claim of consensus (science) has been the first refuge of scoundrels". 
Read more of this here.

R Let the cobbler stick to his last! Paul Offit is a paediatrician. Yet, in an article for one of the sillier groupthink websites, he considers himself qualified to state that the climate denialists President Trump and his appointees to EPA and Energy, Scott Pruitt and Rick Perry, deny the fact that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the environment have trapped heat, causing an increase in the Earth surface temperature and consequent climate disruption. He also apparently believes the so called 'scientific consensus' . Read about this here

R 300 Scientists send a petition to President Trump, asking the President to withdraw the United States from the United Nations Convention on Climate Change. Read about it here and the response to MIT's complaining letter to Trump! Interesting to see just how right the 300 were....

R Here are twenty five interesting graphs that demonstrate the dire state of climate modelling today - and the worrying way in which real science is being manipulated. The Royal Society's motto is Nullius in Verba (Take nobody's word for it) yet anyone who tries to do just that in climate science cannot get funds, is frequently refused publication and is subject to extraordinary abuse.

R Renewable energy cost and reliability claims exposed and debunked The world of government driven renewable energy promotion is built upon a foundation characterized by two huge fundamental deceptions.  "First and foremost is the deception that man made CO2 emissions are controlling global climate. This deception has been exposed as wrong as clearly demonstrated by flawed and failed climate models, failed projections of coastal sea level rise acceleration, failed projections of increased extreme weather and failed politically driven efforts to expunge the decades long global temperature hiatus.

Second is the deception that renewable energy is cost effective and reliable both of which have been exposed as wrong as demonstrated by the need for massive and decades long government �must take� mandates and huge cost subsidies".

And you might also like to read this - 'The Myth of Renewables' by Professor A Trewavas FRS FRSE: http://thinkscotland.org/thinkbusiness/articles.html?read_full=13204&article=www.thinkscotland.org

R An interesting summary of the position at July 2017
Yes, climate changes. Millennially, we are in the Holocene interglacial period, not the preceding part of the ice age. Centennially, we are warming out of the Little Ice Age (LIA); London's last Thames Ice Fair was in 1814.
Yes, fossil fuels increase atmospheric CO2 while also greening the planet.
Yes, CO2 is a greenhouse gas (GHG), and doubling its atmospheric concentration would by itself cause temperatures to rise between 1.1C and 1.2C
Yes, water vapour and clouds provide natural feedbacks, which in the case of water vapour must be somewhat positive. - - But so much more of the so-called 'settled' science consensus just cannot be correct.    Read more here:

R What is wrong with current climate models? Here is a most interesting article dated September 2017 that shows just how deficient current climate models are regarding the natural and normal disposal of the earth's heat. Well worth a read.  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/09/08/into-the-vortex/

R Istvan Marko (1956 - 2017) was a professor and researcher in organic chemistry at the Universitï Catholique de Louvain. Prof. Dr. Marko was an outspoken defender of the skeptical view on the issue of human-caused/anthropogenic global warming, appearing on numerous French-language media on the Internet, in public debates and diverse English-language blog postings frequently joining with Anglo-Saxon climate skeptics. Read his refreshing views here

R October 2017 - Outspoken catastrophic-minded climate scientists and high-ranking officials are alleged not to have a clue about future climate and its consequences, and are inventing catastrophic predictions for their own interest. Some say Government policies should not be based on their future predictions. Read these conclusions here

R November 2017 - "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data". There are insufficient data of any kind re temperature, land and sea ice, glaciers, sea level, extreme weather, ocean pH, et cetera to be able to determine how today's climate differs from the past, much less predict the future. The IPCC's climate forecasts have no connection with the real world. Read this fascinating analysis of the outcome of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany as it ends. Read these conclusions here.  Five plus years later it's still the same .....

R The Missing Link - between cosmic rays, clouds, and climate change on Earth Today, we have news of something that modulates cloud cover in a new paper by Henrik Svensmark in Nature Communications. Clouds are essential for the amount of Solar energy reaching the surface of Earth the implications can be significant for our understanding of why climate has varied in the past and also for a future climate changes. Read this here

R Tropical cumulus and thunderstorms act together to keep tropical temperatures, and hence global temperatures, within a fairly narrow range (e.g. ½C over the entire 20th century). Here is a real analysis of the new CERES Edition 4.0 dataset - it shows the correspondence of sea surface temperature with cloud top height at its most amazing - and nothing to do with CO2 after all.  Read more here.

R March 2018 - An Environmentalist's Journey to Climate Skepticism  In a 2002 paper, what is frequently referred to as Munk's enigma Scripps Institution of Oceanography senior researcher bemoaned the fact researchers could not fully account for the causes of sea level rise. He lamented, the historic rise started too early, has too linear a trend, and is too large. Read more here

For four decades since 1979, when Dr Jule Charney wrote a report for the U.S. National Research Council predicting that for every doubling of CO2 concentration there would be 1.5 to 4.5 C global warming with a best estimate of 3 C, the error of physics exposed by a new paper, unwittingly incorporated five generations of general-circulation computer models of the climate, had misled scientists into exaggerating all their predictions of global warming. Read more here and, confirming it,  this here too.

Where, Exactly, Is The Man-made Climate Problem? Two very interesting plots of Hadcrut4 data from 1895-1943 and 1957-2005 show no statistically significant difference between the two. Read more here.

It is probable that even a 1% variation in atmospheric water vapour equals or exceeds all the effects of human sourced CO2. Read more here and the interesting articles of May 13th 2018

Do the clouds respond to changes in total forcing in such a manner as to oppose them? Well Yes they do, but you would be surprised at what happens after a volcanic eruption!  Read more here  (May 2018)

33 Fellows of the Royal Geological Society assert that Climate models fail to model past climates accurately and consistently overestimate future temperature trends, nor are they able to explain ten more serious questions. Read more here (June 2018)

Now the NOAA is apparently suggesting 2018's temperatures equated with those of 1934. Scientist Tony Heller gives us the truth and notes about 30 years of failure too.. Read more hereAnd here  More about Tony Heller here too. September 2018.

R Audit of Global HadCRUT4 warming data finds it riddled with errors and freakishly improbable data that it is effectively useless. Read this summary October 2018

We're right to express scepticism about climate change Contrary to Al Gore's assertion on October 12 2018 that only 'a few outliers'  in the scientific community don't support the UN IPCC conclusions, there are many scientists who disagree with the UN on climate change. Read about this here.

Electri-fried Fusion An amusing article that shows some of the realities with Electric transport. October 2018 Read it here. A cautionary tale indeed.

Is the NY Times really telling lies about Climate Figures? This link really seems to be suggesting that the NY Times is indeed deceiving its readership. Can this be true?  Read about it here.

A Real Victory for Science After an academic career of more than 30 years, Peter Ridd had his employment terminated as a professor of physics at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia.  Peter had spoken out against the accepted orthodoxy that climate change was killing the Great Barrier Reef. He was able to crowd fund his chance to prosecute the University by raising $AUS 250,000 in five days!  Peter writes: "My lawyers have told me that the judge handed down his decision and we seem to have won on all counts".
Peter's court case has enormous implications for the international debate about climate change, and for the ongoing crisis surrounding freedom of speech. More here. Full Judgement here. Later Ridd was still dismissed - not on his science of course - but because he had (rightly) criticised an untenable paper by a colleague. Such is Australian science research today.

Climate Scientist Murry Salby Demolishes the Global Warming Alarm In an extraordinarily careful, precise and well reasoned paper Murry Salby carefully explains why the extent of global warming is minimal. Read it at this link here

Climate Alarmism is now really crumbling but still the myths are being perpetuated. Tony Heller tackles these and explains using press reports of the time and showing the current models are simply wrong.

NEW here! A 2018 Conversation with Prof. Richard Lindzen
Former Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.   "While mathematics is the language of the physical sciences, mathematics is not simply the use of arbitrary algorithms. This is currently pretty much the situation with climate modeling. Algorithms are used, but they do not represent valid solutions of underlying equations. The models lack the resolution to deal with fundamental aspects of nature – some of which are insufficiently understood to even know what equations to use".   This conversation between Prof. Richard Lindzen and Mr. Grégoire Canlorbe took place in Paris, in May 2018. It is new to this site.
Read it at this link here.


Worried about Arctic Sea Ice?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNy7tTY0Vek (Real proof of falsified science)

Worried about Sea Level Rise?

Worried about Dire Forecasts?

Worried that the Polar bears are dying out?

Thought that today's Satellite Data can be relied upon?

The quite appalling state of Climate Science today

Now even NASA is criticising NASA regarding Climate Change!! Tony Heller shows us here in October 2019 that now there is (justifiable) internal criticism, at last!, in NASA. 
Read: "50 Years of Failed NASA Climate Forecasts"

Tough Times For Arctic Alarmists - Summer 2020.  Alaskan sea ice is now at record levels again despite predictions from NASA in 2007 that it would be gone by 2012, then the BBC said it would go by 2013, then Al Gore predicted 2014 and so on.  Yet here we are with plenty despite an increase in atmospheric CO2.  The fact (of course) is that sea ice levels are cyclical and for some odd reason Climate Scientists start their plots at a peak in order to always show a predicted decrease.  That isn't science.  For more See:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMn_qNY5KZE

Thirty Four Years of Sea level non-science. So many false and flawed comments have been raised about the impending doom that is to be visited upon the world from sea level rise. Here at last is a sensible comment. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/03/29/34-years-of-flawed-failed-grossly-misrepresented-global-sea-level-rise-speculation/https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/03/29/34-years-of-flawed-failed-grossly-misrepresented-global-sea-level-rise-speculation/

May 2022 and at last! A Refreshing and Realistic View on Climate Change.

July 2022 and at last the best of the press are getting the message. Melanie Philips - former Guardian Correspondent and current TV political commentator makes the point about the present hysteria over Climate Change thinking. https://melaniephillips.substack.com/p/never-mind-the-facts-just-worship?s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct

The Key to Science - Richard Feynman.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KmimDq4cSU&ab_channel=SoccerMan  Odd how hardly any Climate Prophecies have materialised.

The 35 inconvenient truths about Al Gore's faulted video a video that also caused UK Schools to receive Scientific Advice on Climate Change. Read this expanded critique HERE

2018/2023 - The disaster of intermittent renewable energy confirmed. The effort to increase the percentage of electricity generated by intermittent renewable sources like wind and solar inevitably brings about large increases in the actual price of electricity that must be paid by consumers. The price increases grow and accelerate as the percentage of electricity generated from the intermittent renewables increases toward 100 percent. HERE

Papers Supporting Sceptic AGW arguments 2023 (NB: 40+ MB PDF)

31,487 Scientists Reject AGW Alarmism in 2023
1100 Climate Realists sign 'The Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change'
1000+ International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims
300+ Eminent Scientists Reject U.N. Climate Change Treaty

Counting Method: Only peer-reviewed papers are counted. Supplemental papers are not counted but listed as references in defence of various papers, these are italicized and proceeded by an asterisk ( * ) so they are not confused with the counted papers.

 Click HERE to download this extraordinary resource

I left out the FULL truth to get a climate change paper published in Nature! Climate science is apparently no longer correctly represented in published articles.  Click HERE for more on this worrying summary by Dr Brown.

    Climate - The Movie (1hr 20mins) Now (2024) there is no climate crisis! https://youtu.be/55n-Zdv_Bwc


Here below for reference are just a few of the very many schoolboy howler arguments that have been used to suggest that Climate Change is upon us and that it is a crisis of human causation.  Despite the fact that records do not go far back, interestingly so many can be checked by the simple process of referring to newspaper and similar reports of the time.  One of the latest classics has been the announcement by the Washington Post that the world is currently hotter than for 1000 years!  Yet we have not even got to the temperatures seen 2000 years ago in Roman times, those of the mediaeval warm period or even the 1930s. The Western hemisphere is still actually cooling from a 1939 high. (See Ref 115 below and several others).

 Just read these links to realise that we have NOT got a crisis even though we are going through a small upturn in the world's cyclical climate temperature and of course we are still coming out of the last ice age.

Here are just a 'few' of the many issues that STILL need answering about climate alarmism...  (NB; there are more than 300 issues here and these are not the only ones. )
It really is a case of decide before you believe! 

Today we are even seeing historic data changed in the belief that the changes better reflect reality - but they forget to adjust the world's newspaper reports of the time!

“Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” ― Albert Einstein

AND ... now on the matter of transgenderism HERE -  Melanie Philips - Another fraudulent bit of science.

Now this on the urgent world need for Vaccination HERE


Here are more than THREE years of Revelations about the UTTER failure of Climate Alarmism....

July 2021
1.       Ridiculous alarmism about climate change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGL2cjnn7kM
2.       Nonsensical science just to justify nonsensical science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5FojQ73SsQ
3.       NASA on climate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8baGuCrpsU
4.       Plants yields https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTCDbOGOZ4M
5.       Debunking Climate Alarmism by Obama's expert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpEoO21OjPo
6.       A New Fraud Algorithm From NOAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnmzOeG_N64
7.       Climate data is wrong https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-9629919/
8.       This climate alarmism is a fraud - see for yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi7n8VvHHyk
9.       Turning data to fit that desired https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy5EhwFevoY
10.     The problem with glaciers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM6RbjgdmyU
11.     Climate change reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yr-Q6WJAK8
12.     Rewriting climate history, fires and sea levels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4umDN70cltY
13.     The scandal of data manipulation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_FegrqvdbI
14.     Predicting the Climate in 100 Years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0GOjIYsTHo
15.     Greenland was 1.5C warmer in the mediaeval warm period https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW16LGVPfIc
16.     NASA and the Ministry of Truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D73i74Z2yk4
17.     John Kerry - Arctic to be Ice-free by 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jneVGxGEtY
18.     CO2 and temperature - are they really connected? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WQDmwccldg
19.     The Texas and Cancun warming oddity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HtZSwoSqIk
20.     Extreme weather in 1974 - ten times higher than 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP4HpI0girc
21.     The imaginary climate crisis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXGzxNJ2VYI
22.     Reality on temperatures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8lSGf_Kkiw
23.     The wonderful climate forecasts by NOAA - NOT!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-7fXes40xg
24.     Temperature forecasts of hot weather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXSb1sLP2_A
25.     Temperature and CO2 concentrations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XowOvCTDC7M
26.     Symptoms of Global Cooling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfUSQXwM0sw
27.     The nonsense of government energy planning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va3ghOIC9bE
28.     The lunatic green new deal in Texas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLJw2pwjhUs
29.     Loss of wind power in Texas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrMaSevTDgo
30.     Endless summer by the NY Times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpmxeF_K3kk
31.     Climate alarmists originally targeted capitalism via CO2 emissions, but now they are just targeting capitalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSAVfL6_Z-4
32.     Seeing with your own eyes - the nonsense of climate alarmism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ3spbc_V-0
33.     Five years since the (supposed) end of the earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVCUODGuNcs
34.     Changing climate is nothing new in Spitzbergen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bogvh1bwqA
35.     Global warming idiocy on Venus and Mars https://newtube.app/TonyHeller/zvxslMv
36.     Little or no snow to fall in UK after 20th March 2000. Wow! https://web.archive.org/web/20100209052939/http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/snowfalls-are-now-just-a-thing-of-the-past-724017.html
37.     Silly climate forecasts https://newtube.app/TonyHeller/LxC59uE
38.     Misuse of science? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Fzx9Rinug
39.     The forgotten forecasts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB274rWKEp0
40.     The In-depth story behind a climate �fraud� https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewJ6TI8ccAw
41.     It'll get cooler soon....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-6igPGWCXc
42.     Climate dishonesty on temperatures? - the NOAA mission https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_qnO04yaeY
43.     20 minute course to teach climate scientists the basic science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-zaQWAaPAg
44.     Oregon Forests will be dead by 1986 but how? Global Cooling or Warming? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI--Mm1icvs
45.     Part 2 of Government changes to temperature data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmBiXfekga8
46.     Extraordinary misinformation from the moderator about climate change in Vice Presidential debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y3ObG5Xyys
47.     NASA's alteration of data - and that of others like NOAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRXDOAhjBn8
48.    Potholer's idiotic arguments over climate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlvTzj9exB4
49.     Climate fraud by the Guardian? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3WtEUODHmw
50.     Global warming or cooling? - Jet stream issues thought to be evidence of cooling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnN1jr9qhNs
51.     Un-met forecasts on climate and Covid, Prince Charles and others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rckAJ7m0xsg
52.     The climate is actually cooling and with high CO2 as well... https://www.sciencetimes.com/articles/20972/20190504/expert-says-the-earth-is-actually-cooling.htm
53.     The lack of linkage between CO2 and Climate change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BalXOmnHTk
54.     Truth about 'Scientists say' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMmkc54-3y4
55.     The wonderful Guardian? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGm1NZi07ys  AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzLgKGc0d40 AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBzHyOn7kkY
56.     Artic Ice refuses to melt again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypFgq-66dvI
57.     Hysterical reaction to Alaskan ice � again? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaV9PL6cLeo
58.     Get real...The (laughable) trouble with science and scientists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rSsf3HD_t8
59.     The reality of climate persecution? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu8Pe4qg1wc
60.     Fraudulent journalism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUsanLZiiX0 AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtYRQNXycAY
61.     NonsenseCO2 rises even though cars have been stopped. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDAYEOoupj0
62.     No threat after all to the oceans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5VXEeNYC4Q
63.     Greenland Ice is not reducing even though the BBC thinks the opposite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq5g4ZjDemA
64.     The real 'success' of the �stupid� wind farms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybVXj51WA2o
65.     Manipulated temperature data in the US https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yrURiXtVYk
66.     Data reported for locations solely from computer models https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Nw71wBUK6Y
67.     False studies at James Cook University. 29.02.20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ1WnNXY1
68.     The falsity of wind power? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lUaJYBxfEk
69.     Climate fraud again from CNN - Fake news? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0XiAM_FtuM
70.     Fake NOAA data again?  With Fake Data, NOAA Can Accomplish Anything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mw-FeB0mWU
71.     Global warming causes less bad weather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mtVzrPYLHk
72.     Data tampering and politics? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBCqj0OWzr4
73.     Sea level fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9joCzpu36z4 AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSg3h_eIvBw
74.     Discussion of climate science inadequacies Sabine Hossenfelder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hCo_trbT8&t=328s
75.     Psychology of research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v778svukrtU
76.     The case against climate science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H-2Clt5Jqw
77.     Arctic and Antarctic rubbish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWlBiih1p9Y
78.     Global temperature is in fact cooling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RahcvdBwbNY
79.     Data tampering - again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhjZI0ceSBQ
80.     Garbage forecasts of sea level rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEknOnBM0xM AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVSGyvAl2AICO2
81.     Temperature Rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vn8TAomLkSQ
82.     Australia's maximum temperatures are in fact falling, not rising https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajI1RzPoDaM
83.     No real warming after all!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_8xd0LCeRQ
84.     Fraudulent data tampering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hElTSfQEdsk
85.     Arctic sea ice not falling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN3eKG7zBps
86.     Sea level rise and what rise there is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViY2J3LPgN4&list=LLVZAYW-4iX-T491WicV4UUA&index=16&t=351s
87.     Great Lakes water levels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGxDqUmW6z0
88.     Propaganda? You judge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiDKWU1ySQw
89.     Data tampering of 1913 data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMBgePicOeI
90.     Temperature manipulation by US Government climate entities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulWvj49kef4
91.     Data tampering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9BY--i_xDk
92.     Climate warming or Cooling? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPGK6pNO0Qw AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbalx6UyAXY  AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbalx6UyAXY&t=704s
93.     The climate control knob? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzFx_tTx0ms
94.     Arctic Sea Ice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGZQnkIvtms
95.     Sea level rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9sw_HfLejg
96.     Dire forecasts unseen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCvVPPO1rnE
97.     Polar bears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQRle6pgBCY
98.     Feynman-Hoyle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq3Uursli4I
99.     Fraud at NASA? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMc1o2tUBds
100. Climate Fraud (Jan 2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGe9JO58Uc8
101. Ice loss in polar regions and elsewhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tdqsNivoMs AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieDl06jLLfY  AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JKDo2LDWWs AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bImmgh3ZEb8[PP1] 
102. Arctic Ice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwUhJaQVi-M AND  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbUPxl5lKuc
103. Polar Bear populations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6bcCTFnGZ0  AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvL1Aj2vHIA&t=17s  AND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYPapE-3FRw
104. Sea level rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9sw_HfLejg
105. Dire forecasts not seen - of course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCvVPPO1rnE
106. Polar bears (yet again) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQRle6pgBCY
107. Amazon fires https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VHqx8znT1A&t=60s
108. Arctic Ice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwUhJaQVi-M
109. Lecture on coral on the Great Barrier Reef https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVlu-7_FxD8&feature=youtu.be
110. Climate Bi-Polar Disorder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnGglbIphGw
111. Sea Level rise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e82smfcypUc
112. 30-year-old-climate-prediction-proves-to-be-a-load-of-bunkum/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/10/03/fail-30-year-old-climate-prediction-proves-to-be-a-load-of-bunkum/
113. Monckton: The global warming hoax https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGqcweY1a3I
114. Hansen fraud at NYT? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41Cv7MJYZKIIn
115. Worst heatwave in 1000 years!  Utterly-fake news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sumc9tZ9-egAug 2021
116.'Experts' rely on a single warm day in Greenland to infer we are all going to drown.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cKJh1Odeew  Now also see 123. below.
117.  How to convince the gullible public that a cooling country is actually a warming country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvuhxv1Ywd4
118.  Extreme rainfall blamed on climate change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhDvd8NxRDo
119.  Yet more temperature deceit by climate 'experts' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koKRiMqytAs
120.  Odd how polar ice doesn't seem to know about Climate Science. One wonders why. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9SbbtOSV9M
121.  The idiocy of consensus science and mistakes by the AAAS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-lU9gR68Yk
A quite seminal summary of the state of climate science in 2021

122. Arctic sea ice data is being misrepresented yet again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K02fDpOu4AA
123.Aug 2021 Greenland Ice cap formation explained and why the ice is still growing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-IYOkuKyos  The science of the Greenland Ice Sheet explained.
Sep 2021
124. Appalling climate misrepresentation - and perhaps even fraud - by scientists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41t8yj64wV8
125. Idiocy over belief that the cause of wildfires is climate change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJN3x2568kY
126. Biden's unbalanced (or maybe even fraudulent) statement that as of Sept 2021 there are only 10 years left for the planet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS0Mjl6uwus
127. The latest theory of a sea ice collapse - yet again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJYmC--cpOY
128. Freak weather - really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmru3wNlQzQ
129. Bad weather? No, it's only bad science again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmGepoJmROU
130. Extreme heat warning nonsense In the UK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgPstvxEeSU
131. Climate confusion by non-experts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLdmzlVlb78
132. Yet, the premise of the IPCC is clearly wrong... We need open research on climate - and fast
133. Ice doesn't lie but maybe climate scientists do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haWe0GZ1YH4
134. New Climate Prophet...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQmay0guC5I
135. Saving the Corals and the Great Barrier Reef https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze9Dybm-rLk
136. Greenhouse gases - an explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-zaQWAaPAg
Oct 2021
137. The lack of science over forest fires and droughts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McReCMEL48c
138. Pushing an agenda re hurricanes and climate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqoilI5iACQ
139. Dramatic Climate Change in the 1990s! Data Reality about Hurricanes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k7pKhVIVQg
140. Reality about Hurricanes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k7pKhVIVQg
141. Banning Dissent in Climate Science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg3e1MNQtgE
142. Heatwave of Oct 1963 and then the massive global cooling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qih8pgYV3eE
143. Today's Arctic Sea Ice reports are untrue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHUDyPYD1Dk
144. Taking action against sea level? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE367u2swYk
145. More climate nonsense, Lake Tahoe is low https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlWjT-pQdRE
146. Five years away from wind power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDrf5LkHqWQ
147. Water issues in Australia, or not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9cdpRbVStY
148. A Climate Joke? No just an "expert" unaware of history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMscIxk7Fnk
149.. Biomass discovered in all of earth's crust: No worries now about farming releasing methane and consequent climate change. Maybe eat more meat! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2M99LhYv2Q&t=419s
150. Coral cover is at its highest levels since 1985. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50nNc4AnVAE
151. Maldives supposedly drowning yet again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYEY8J4zDyY
152. New York sea level rise � once again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD0gujHpUxI
153. Worst Disaster Year in Red Cross History, Really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDwlVuQw4V4
Nov 2021
154 Misrepresenting the science again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tuqaPhiXX8
155. Today's Arctic Sea Ice reports are untrue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHUDyPYD1Dk
156. The REAL collective lunacy of COP26 https://melaniephillips.substack.com/p/the-tragi-comic-climate-doomsday?r=8t7h3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source= Melanie Phillips explains
157. World Spinning Out Of Kilter (supposedly) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJnhUCnGLqE
158. An interesting repeat of Gore's experiment https://www.justproveco2.com/papers/SolheimExperiment2016.pdf
159. 1921 Eskimos Threw Away Their Furs - why is this ignored?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-DfKF16oiM
160. California's Worst Dry Spell forgotten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iQ2q3qOn1E
161. Climate Alchemy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHKCXJ2DMus
162. The 'canary' evidence that ice is growing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxsIfGm9nV0
163. Climate correlations - or really not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKWqK_qV4HU
164. What we suspect to be global warming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPeRSywDttI
Dec 2021
165. Climate Change, Floods and even Sea level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn6xNgfO8XI
166. The Global Warming 'canary' has finally frozen in Alaska!! https://rumble.com/vqae0o-shape-shifting-science.html
167. More about Glaciers and their melting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D4jbChREKE
168. Part 1 Flawed data tampering by the Danes now, what triggered this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUwekAbsz28
169. Part 2 The Danish data tampering 'fraud' https://rumble.com/vqhhok-rapidly-disappearing-ice-part-2.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
170. Having it both ways. Climate change v the facts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN0CHQvIwU4
171. The preposterous 2007 Nobel Prize - all for seven more years. https://rumble.com/vqj01i-the-2007-nobel-prize.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=1
172. The "Two Week" apocalypse now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV54FiR4daU
173. Biden Discusses and forgets Hurricanes in Kentucky plus the real data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHRMv-VFjOk
174. "Tornado numbers inflation" is flawed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIAUioSi3ek
175. History Dies In Junk Science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8m2hBopD4k
176. The idiocy of the Vermont Plan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIz8_pLEIL0
177. Can't explain the extreme weather of the past, so instead they erase it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPhjU6FwX_0
178.Continued sealevel rise irreversible! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0tqpTH3m40
179. Climate News today - even more ice, data hidden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF0xDmMf50Y
180. Winter solstice climate newshttps://rumble.com/vr5emg-winter-solstice-climate-news.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
181. Supposedly alarming trend in climate propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO1ffmub7pE
182. The Standard Model: real science unlike climate change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JETGS64kTys
183. When Nature Won't Cooperate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=netwop99Umo
184. NASA's altered data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZWQm_zscZ4
185. A Consensus of One https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K711wQacJbI
186. YouTube takes the bait https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdxgytaFPtM
187. The Self Fulfilling Prophecy of junk science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkMOnIe426c
188. Consensus science? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFhPF-mW1XI
189. Just Chilling With The Climate Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZZBYgaJpww
190. Sea level rise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNkVGiSgOM4
191. Climate alarmists can't explain the extreme weather of the past using their junk science, so instead they erase it.
192. The worst climate story on record? https://rumble.com/vrojr2-bbc-worst-climate-story-on-record.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
Jan 2022
193. Trends in climate fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1u4d-iKDvA
194. The new Normal in climate science https://rumble.com/vruyq2-the-new-normal.html
195. Every Generation Imagines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDYrC8TMdCg
196. "It is a Physical Principle" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byLUPDZYtEo
197. The bizarre Virginia Clean Economy Act https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt_zQIS8rSE
198. More Sea Ice Than 100 Years Ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtzyudppu7s
199. Curiouser And Curiouser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKsEKAuhMi8
200. Fifty Years Of Planning to match Europe and more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-0lGc0ZBc8
201. Ghouls Of Rhetoric https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhmmdwmZ2oI
202. Kilimanjaro granted a reprieve owing to bad science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty_Uj-1nnpM
203. An arctic reporting card https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGVlMN4plT0
204. Biden's Gasoline Forecast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF2_YIVZ0pk
205. 1980s Expert Forecasts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xgt5YtF_ZHg
206. Climate Clown Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsy0ysTDRRc
207. NY Times Forecasts The End Of Skiing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvAmJ0ig1gI
208. Europe Climate News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAV5rYoPSVY
209. Climate Prophets https://rumble.com/vsoe3u-climate-prophets.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
210. Climate Peter Principle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpEwsgOqOqk
211. Homeland Security To End Bad Weather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DQXcTpp7RE
212. Junk Science Threatens The Future Of Journalism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os2uQIY4UYM
213. Clever and constant application of propaganda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qcUVhPEDTw
214. Junk Science Threatens The Future Of Journalism. https://rumble.com/vt6swe-junk-science-threatens-the-future-of-journalism.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
Feb 2022
215. Political Climate Change https://rumble.com/vtzd0w-political-climate-change.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
216. Climate Crisis Of 1911 https://rumble.com/vtt8fs-climate-crisis-of-1911.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=
Mar 2022
217. A dubious appointment? https://rumble.com/vxrqey-philadelphia-adopts-the-1-climate-fraudster.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
218. Now we are Cancelling Trees! https://rumble.com/vx59km-cancelling-trees.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
219. Wisdom or Idiocy of a High School Truant https://rumble.com/vxvwpi-european-energy-policy.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
220. Cherry-picking data and even reporting fraud in reporting on Antarctica. https://rumble.com/vxzkx8-cherry-picking-antarctica.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
221. It seems Climate History must have only begun eight years ago! https://rumble.com/vylgye-climate-history-began-eight-years-ago.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tonyheller&ep=2
222. Predictions of substantial global warming assume high climate sensitivity to a doubling of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Climate Sensitivity is now seen to be likely low enough to be of little concern.. NEW Paper reveals! https://everythingclimate.org/emissions-climate-models/
Apr 2022
223. The nonsensical need for a warning system?  https://rumble.com/vzlktf-un-global-warning-system.html
224. Future Climate Forecasting (really?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0GOjIYsTHo
May 2022
225. Science is trying to extort half a trillion dollars from large corporations https://rumble.com/v12mtg4-climate-meltdown.html
226. Exploring America's Hot Past.  https://rumble.com/v14o0ak-exploring-americas-hot-past.html
227. This is (apparently) a Climate Emergency. https://rumble.com/v15m86u-this-is-a-climate-emergency.html
228. Warming or Cooling? - Do make your mind up. Climate Forecasting in today's 'science'.
June 2022
229. Yet we are still cooler than before! https://rumble.com/v15qz2s-mad-dogs-and-englishmen.html
230. The Argument of Tyrants https://rumble.com/v15uzwo-the-roots-of-all-evil.html
231. White House Wants To Ban Physics https://rumble.com/v18drta-white-house-wants-to-ban-physics.html
232. In line with scientific predictions? Really? https://rumble.com/v197pzg-in-line-with-scientists-predictions.html
233. Erasing Steinbeck The 1930s were the hottest and driest on record in the US, so academics are attempting to erase the 1930s. https://rumble.com/v19f7v0-erasing-steinbeck.html
July 2022
234. Climate experts over 35 years have said that we are out of time to stop global warming. Really?
235. The stupidity of Germany's government https://rumble.com/v1e3a28-regardless-of-what-trump-says.html
236. Water shortages in the Rio Grande - really? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Algvl_py4OQ&ab_channel=TonyHeller
237. Logic and proportion.https://rumble.com/v1e25ym-logic-and-proportion.html
238. Fun with forecasts. https://rumble.com/v1duq9y-climate-crisis-wednesday.html
239. Dear me how sad, the BBC feels badly done to. https://rumble.com/v1e8ahs-bbc-is-upset.html
240. Fake climate news from the Washington Post. https://rumble.com/v1e43ce-journalism-runs-completely-dry.html
241. Greenland's two most famous glaciers are growing. https://rumble.com/v1dxb14-journalism-may-never-recover.html
Aug 2022
242. Now we have proven fake heatwave news. https://rumble.com/v1ecev6-fake-heatwave-news.html
243. Hysteria over the Great Barrier Reef https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsnhV-zwjZA&ab_channel=SkyNewsAustralia
244. Record Heat, Drought, Fires And Insects. https://rumble.com/v1f11f0-record-heat-drought-fires-and-insects.html
245. Third Most Fraudulent July On Record. https://rumble.com/v1ff598-third-most-fraudulent-july-on-record.html
246. The worst summer on record - for fake news. https://rumble.com/v1fo6r0-fakest-summer-on-record.html
247. How it was in 1935 'amazing'?.. https://rumble.com/v1fv9ne-cnn-climate-reporting-circa-1935.html
248. Leave us alone. Or reap the whirlwind. Unchecked globalisation.
249. Arctic STILL Refuses To Melt As Ordered, https://rumble.com/v1g6e1k-arctic-still-refuses-to-melt-as-ordered.html
250. Environmentalists are ‘literally starving the world’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kRFXlgX9AY&ab_channel=SkyNewsAustralia
251. The scientists who aren't there. https://melaniephillips.substack.com/p/the-scientists-who-arent-there?utm_source=email
252. Taking Action Against Sea Level. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE367u2swYk
253. The new kind of drought. https://rumble.com/v1hish2-the-new-kind-of-drought.html
254. Hiding the heat of the past (non science) https://rumble.com/v1hfg8g-hiding-the-heat-of-the-past.html
255. Record Breaking Idiocy https://rumble.com/v1hvgdk-record-breaking-idiocy.html
Sep 2022
256. "Off The Charts" Fake News https://rumble.com/v1i9aci-off-the-charts-fake-news.html
257. Still no warmer than 2003. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qcnyq4Yo4U&ab_channel=CDN
258. Uncontained and untrue propaganda https://rumble.com/v1ip795-uncontained-propaganda.html
259. Doomsday Journalism. https://rumble.com/v1j1apw-doomsday-journalism.html
260. Exploring America's Hot Past https://rumble.com/v14o0ak-exploring-americas-hot-past.html
261. We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period! https://rumble.com/v1jyec8-we-have-to-get-rid-of-the-medieval-warm-period.html
262. It's getting wetter in the UK/Ireland not drier. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/09/15/rescued-66000-sheets-of-real-uk-rainfall-observations-refute-alarmist-claims-of-more-drought/
263. Australia Melting - really? https://rumble.com/v1kjhyc-australia-melting.html
264. Lies, Damned Lies And Climate Statistics. https://rumble.com/v1kkzji-lies-damned-lies-and-climate-statistics.html
265. Apocalyptic climate change is a nonsense. https://melaniephillips.substack.com/p/the-samizdat-climate-corps?utm_source=email
266. Misunderstanding the reality of forests - for gain. https://rumble.com/v1kzn3f-ad-hoc-climate-blame.html
267. Human-started wildfires now attributed to climate change! https://rumble.com/v1lbdah-historic-media-megadrought.html
268. Warming or Cooling? The Guardian is confused. https://rumble.com/v1lnn3h-sun-so-hot-....-froze-to-death.html
Oct 2022
269. Reality Deniers At Yale. https://rumble.com/v1ltpvf-satellite-deniers-at-yale.html
270. The UTTER Arrogance of the UN. https://rumble.com/v1mdskd-world-economic-forum-and-united-nations-say-they-own-the-science.html
271. Climate Racketeering, the proof. https://rumble.com/v1mfkxv-climate-racketeering.html
272. The real temperatures of the past. https://rumble.com/v1mk7vl-new-climate-tool.html
273. Check 'climate claims' for yourself here. https://rumble.com/v1mo0yv-new-climate-tool-part-2.html
274. Observation Free Science. https://rumble.com/v1moyhj-observation-free-science.html
275. Thwaites Glacier - again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHNOhJqV3Pk&ab_channel=CDN
276. The momentum of outdated science. https://rogerpielkejr.substack.com/p/the-unstoppable-momentum-of-outdated
277. Now come the fake Statistics about Hurricanes. https://rumble.com/v1mwzl1-chances-of-being-hit-by-a-major-hurricane.html
278. California Record Heat.  https://rumble.com/v1itgvi-california-record-heat.html
279. Climate Superstition - again. https://rumble.com/v1nvskt-choosing-a-climate-future.html
280. The gap between press climate reporting and scientific fact. https://rumble.com/v1nqzwp-political-climate.html
281. The 'Great Freeze' of 1963. http://www.thamesweb.co.uk/windsor/windsorhistory/freeze63.html
282. The climate scam - yet again. https://rumble.com/v1oqs3p-history-is-written-by-the-victors.html
283. Combating Misinformation. https://rumble.com/v1otd73-combating-misinformation.html
284. Comedy on climate from Al Jazeera. Comedy on climate from Al Jazeera. https://rumble.com/v1ozxd1-truth-and-transparency.html
285. Now cold weather due to global warming. https://rumble.com/v1p5m09-what-else-you-need-to-know-today.html
286. Fake Conclusions From Cherrypicked Data. https://rumble.com/v1pia67-fake-conclusions-from-cherrypicked-data.html
287. Fake climate trends. https://rumble.com/v1pluhd-fake-climate-trends.html
288. Dust Bowl Deniers. https://rumble.com/v1pxllb-dust-bowl-deniers.html
289. The 'dishonesty' of climate claims made by academics and the press. https://rumble.com/v1q3jgh-new-climate-tool-part-4.html
290. The Maldives aren't drowning. https://rumble.com/v1q7sjv-overwhelmed-by-junk-science.html
291. Journalism Is A Thing Of The Past. https://rumble.com/v1qigx3-journalism-is-a-thing-of-the-past.html
292. Just what level of fraud is acceptable to the scientific community? https://rumble.com/v1qq9hn-what-fraud-is-acceptable-in-the-science-community.html
293. Imaginary Greenland Melting. https://rumble.com/v1p0m09-imaginary-greenland-melting.html
Nov 2022
294. Blind Belief In Authority. https://rumble.com/v1qyw6d-blind-belief-in-authority.html
295. 500 scholars and scientists say there’s no “climate emergency” at all. https://everythingclimate.wpcomstaging.com/the-global-temperature-record-says-we-are-in-a-climate-emergency/
296. A Consensus Of One. https://rumble.com/v1r2rvt-a-consensus-of-one.html
297. COP27 Scams again. https://rumble.com/v1rcb8d-cop27-scams-part-1.html
298. Piltdown Mann? https://rumble.com/v1rut19-piltdown-mann.html
299. The Drowned Maldives. https://rumble.com/v1q7sf5-drowned-maldives.html
300. All Weather Is Now Climate. https://rumble.com/v1t0th1-all-weather-is-now-climate.html
301. Altering Data To Match The Model. https://rumble.com/v1u71c1-altering-data-to-match-the-model.html
302. Consensus Science Off The Rails https://rumble.com/v1u8ky9-consensus-science-off-the-rails.html
303. Ignoring Science. https://rumble.com/v1uruut-i-scream-when-lawmakers-ignore-science.html
303. US warming faster than the rest of the world? https://rumble.com/v1uz0vp-us-warming-68-faster-than-the-rest-of-the-planet.html
304. NASA/NOAA US Data Tampering. https://rumble.com/v1vyurt-nasanoaa-us-data-tampering.html
305. It Snows When It Is Cold. https://rumble.com/v1w3ojn-it-snows-when-it-is-cold.html
306. Corals at record high on the Great Barrier Reef https://www.aims.gov.au/information-centre/news-and-stories/coral-reefs-can-adapt-response-mild-marine-heatwaves
Dec 2022
307. History can be inconvenient. https://www.youtube.com/watchv=GGtAilkWTtI&ab_channel=SimonClark
308. Sixth lowest on record - really? https://rumble.com/v1zwxgf-sixth-lowest-on-record.html
309. Climate Forecasting Fraud. https://rumble.com/v1zunnz-climate-forecasting.html
310. Failed Climate Forecasts https://rumble.com/v217ift-pushing-out-their-failed-projections.html
311. Latest Consequences of Climate Change. https://rumble.com/v1d7f9i-the-latest-consequence-of-climate-change.html
312. Idiocies of Climate Science. https://rumble.com/v22x4x3-angry-climate-deniers.html
313. Climate change will depress global economic output by $23T annually by 2050. https://rumble.com/v22eg1r-the-sky-is-falling.-the-sky-is-falling.html
314.The Most Powerful Molecule In The Universe
315.Headlines:  https://rumble.com/v237ukp-warming-faster-than-the-rest-of-the-world.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=
Jan 2023
316. Olympics In Danger - Really? https://rumble.com/v23b89j-olympics-in-danger-extended-version.html
317. Yet Another Hockey Stick. "Why the blip". https://rumble.com/v23im6l-another-hockey-stick.html
318. Fastest Warming Ever:  https://rumble.com/v23sjy1-fastest-warming-ever.html
319. The Case Against Science. https://rumble.com/v23mtuv-the-case-against-science.html
320. Great Lakes Expert Forecasts https://rumble.com/v23ygah-great-lakes-expert-forecasts.html
321. No room for doubt about climate change. https://rumble.com/v24jlgp-no-room-for-doubt-about-climate-change.html
322. Worst Drought in 1000 years Really? https://rumble.com/v24q1ib-climate-time-warp.html
323.New York Times Saves The Planet: https://rumble.com/v254m4p-new-york-times-saves-the-planet.html
323. Basic Science For Climate Alarmists. https://rumble.com/v20jsnf-basic-science-for-climate-alarmists.html
324. It's always years away. https://rumble.com/v267qin-climate-solutions.html
325.The Safe Climate of 1906. https://rumble.com/v26i4lb-the-safe-climate-of-1906.html
326.The Real Idiocy of Climate Science. https://rumble.com/v27surx-the-safe-climate-of-1931.html
Feb 2023
327. Nonsense Science and Skiing: https://rumble.com/v26m95d-climate-marketing.html
328. Nonsense Food Policies. https://youtu.be/bLKrQ56j1ao
329. Climate Cancel Culture. https://rumble.com/v27k8vj-climate-cancel-culture.html
330. Climate optimism, anyone? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/02/08/cognitive-dissonance-and-climate-change-a-takedown/
331. Sea level is now stable! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/02/07/sea-level-is-stable-around-the-world-the-good-news-the-media-dont-want-us-to-hear/
332.Climate Comedy: https://rumble.com/v28xsv5-battery-salesman.html
333. But it's not normal! https://rumble.com/v29388r-not-normal.html
334. The case for skeptism. https://rumble.com/v26qf17-carl-sagan-on-the-importance-of-free-speech-and-skepticism.html
335. Noone blamed the climate then.. https://rumble.com/v29hdzl-fires-of-1898.html
336. Kumimanu fordyce....https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/02/13/if-global-warming-is-bad-for-penguins-why-were-there-giant-penguins-during-the-paleocene-and-eocene/
337. We shall still need fossil fuels in 2050. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/02/17/we-will-still-need-fossil-fuels-in-2050-aeps-u-turn/
338. 85% of an ice shelf perimeter in Antarctica has advanced since the early 2000s. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/05/14/sea-ice-can-control-antarctic-ice-sheet-stability-new-research-finds/
339. Warm Melting Arctic Freezes The US. https://rumble.com/v26n9i9-holdren-warm-melting-arctic-freezes-the-us.html
340. The test that exonerates CO2. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/02/24/the-test-that-exonerates-co2/
341. Snowfalls were a thing of the past in 2000!!. https://wattsupwiththat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/snowfalls-are-now-just-a-thing-of-the-past-the-independent.pdf
342. No end in sight to California drought. https://rumble.com/v2b199p-no-end-in-sight.html
343. Climate related death risk of the past 100 years.  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/02/28/climate-change-short-on-proof-drowning-in-nonsense/
Mar 2023
344. Now NASA says the world is cooling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhCwHCxzTGA&ab_channel=FutureUnity
345. The link between CO2 and global warming not real? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/03/02/32-year-reuters-veteran-reporter-comes-clean-on-climate-change-i-had-no-reason-to-think-this-wasnt-established-fact-i-was-wrong/
346. Scams make money - we need a new one. https://rumble.com/v2bj5vt-rapidly-shifting-scam.html
347. Megadrought what megadrought? Now it's floods..... https://rumble.com/v2bj5vt-rapidly-shifting-scam.html
348. The Absurdity of Current Net Zero plans. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/03/02/demands-for-more-subsidy-expose-the-illusion-of-falling-wind-power-costs/
349. Climate change is short on proof & drowning in nonsense. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/02/28/climate-change-short-on-proof-drowning-in-nonsense/
350. More on the supposed 'End of Snow'. https://rumble.com/v2bv6ij-the-end-of-snow.html
351. The Deception that is 'Net Zero'. https://www.newscats.org/challenging-net-zero-with-science-co2-coalition-paper-released/
352. 120 Years Of Climate Scares By Scientists. https://710wor.iheart.com/featured/mark-simone/content/2019-10-08-the-list-of-120-years-of-climate-scares-by-scientists/
353. Climate Fact Check. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/03/07/climate-fact-check-february-2023-edition/
354. PM2.5: A Mass Fraud? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/03/09/pm2-5-mass-killer-or-mass-fraud/
355. Is climate change now a medical condition? https://youtu.be/SYOYxNuFR0o
356. Rewriting Iceland in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7lgKjvAqt4&list=PLsJsr4zgqhIV6-waN4bLx_3UUfT7sJIOv&index=8&ab_channel=TonyHeller
357. Worst drought in 1200 years. https://rumble.com/v2d1xqr-worst-drought-in-1200-years.html
358. No more snow now we have climate change? https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/does-it-snow-in-california.html
359. North Pole to be ice free by 2008? https://rumble.com/v2dna7r-irreversible-fake-news-at-the-washington-post.html
360. Silly Forecasts that never came true. https://rumble.com/v2dsh0r-earths-expiration-date.html
361. Meaningless sacrifices. https://rumble.com/v2ejbf1-ritual-sacrifice.html
362. Al Gore's false experiment that deceived the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD2jnz_0MyA&ab_channel=TheActionLab
363. Now falsified facts from AI. https://rumble.com/v2ffae1-artificial-intelligence-strikes-out.html
Apr 2023
364. Artificial Climate Dishonesty - AGAIN. https://rumble.com/v2fon1h-artificial-dishonesty.html
365. Each $1 billion spent on attaining net zero emissions would prevent approximately one ten-millionth of a degree of global warming. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/04/03/the-new-pause-lengthens-to-8-years-9-months/
366. Temperatures often rise ahead of CO2 levels.Shouldn't we be told? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/04/01/more-climate-fiction-from-the-bbc/
367. What's the point of reducing CO2? https://rumble.com/v2hlt1l-carbon-shell-game.html
368. Dozens of recent lunatic forecasts on climate . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1e5HAZo4iw&ab_channel=FactsMatterwithRomanBalmakov
369. Reality finally starts to dawn but only in March 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJfrKNR3K2k&ab_channel=ForbesBreakingNews
370. Realism starts to emerge. https://everythingclimate.com/the-global-temperature-record-says-we-are-in-a-climate-emergency/
371. There is no climate emergency.https://clintel.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ecd-press-briefing.pdf
372. Who says there is no climate emergency? https://clintel.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ED-brochureversieNWA4.pdf
373. Ridiculous forecasting in the USA. https://rumble.com/v2j40f7-faulty-memories.html
374. Frequency of 1000 year events? https://rumble.com/v2jbsv5-five-million-year-event.html
375. All change for the global dynamics of Greenland's climate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chWKh7LRuZU&ab_channel=GreatStoriesfromthePast
May 2023
376. Political dishonesty, the nonsense and the FRAUD about climate. https://rumble.com/v2meqnp-engineered-delusion.html
377. Can ANY scientist ever believe this? https://rumble.com/v2m34pz-nbc-co2-causing-air-travel-turbulence.html
378. Goebbels and Climate Change. Another faulted Australian University? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/01/15/the-on-going-case-for-abandoning-homogenization-of-australian-temperature-data/
379. The Big Climate Lie Confirmed. Where are the The Royal Society and The Royal Society of Scotland on this? https://rumble.com/v2oendt-the-big-climate-lie.html
380. Even NOAA now agrees that the US is cooling not warming. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/05/19/usa-today-fact-checks-milloy-tweet-as-correct/
381. There is no climate emergency. https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/there-is-no-climate-emergency-say-500-experts-in-letter-to-the-united-nations/
382. The Big Climate Lie. https://rumble.com/v2oendt-the-big-climate-lie.html
383. The role of insidious climate propaganda in the USA. https://rumble.com/v2p0hpf-appeals-to-authority.html
384. 32 Climate Predictions Proven False. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1e5HAZo4iw&t=103s&ab_channel=FactsMatterwithRomanBalmakov
385. Climate's bi-polar disorder fraud. https://rumble.com/v2pcq7j-bipolar-disorder.html
386. Ingorance and Power https://rumble.com/v2pcscx-ignorance-and-power.html
387. How it really was. Bottom of the 'hockey stick'. https://rumble.com/v2ptqr3-at-the-bottom-of-the-hockey-stick.html
388. The silent climate crisis of long ago. https://rumble.com/v2qddpx-the-climate-crisis-of-1896.html
389. IPCC ignored 52 highly relevant peer-review articles https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/05/28/a-critique-of-ar6/
390. Arctic was Warmer, & Ice-Free in Summertime 10,000 Years Ago! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/05/27/aarhus-university-researchers-find-arctic-warmer-ice-free-in-summertime-10000-years-ago/
391. World record rainfall? Well before we're told today. https://rumble.com/v2r9ywf-world-record-rainfall.html
June 2023
392. The Worst Crisis ever? Laughable. https://rumble.com/v2rrh13-the-worst-crisis-ever.html
393. 97% scientists agree.. Really? https://rumble.com/v2sdgw7-extraordinary-claims.html
394. “There’s no emergency”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBdmppcfixM&ab_channel=BizNewsTv
395. Every ten years it happens yet do we learn or do we panic?. https://rumble.com/v2t4l4h-dark-days-indeed.html
396. Dr Christy further refutes the climate crisis narrative. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJv1IPNZQao&t=85s&ab_channel=BizNewsTv
397. Wild Fire trends are down not up. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/06/11/good-climate-news-wildfire-trends-have-fallen-off-significantly-over-the-recent-decades/
398. Modern Climate Fakery disclosed. https://rumble.com/v2u0hlz-climate-fakery-part-1.html
399. Great Barrier Reef is fine. June 2023. Paper by Peter Ridd  for the Global Warming Policy Foundation
400. Weather events are not climate change - Cheers.https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/06/22/wrong-again-cbc-climate-change-isnt-causing-a-decline-in-wine-production/
401. Untrue climate forecasts? Feyman's view... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL6-x0modwY&ab_channel=Sk%C3%A9pseis
July 2023
402. The New Pause Remains At 8 Years 10 Months. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/05/the-new-pause-remains-at-8-years-10-months/
403. A better climate hypothesis https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/05/solar-activity-cycle-25-surpasses-cycle-24/
404. The Myth Of Replacing Fossil Fuels. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/03/the-myth-of-replacing-fossil-fuels/
405. Climate Fakery yet again. https://rumble.com/v2ymnu1-climate-fakery-part-7.html
406. Irish dairy idiocy? https://youtu.be/9JHhVfhQahM
407. Deliberate Fakery on climate. https://iowaclimate.org/2023/06/17/climate-fakery-part-2/
408. More climate nonsense. https://rumble.com/vylgye-climate-history-began-eight-years-ago.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2
Aug 2023
409. Hottest Day ever? https://rumble.com/v328ihf-sky-news-australia-discusses-the-hottest-day-ever.html
410. Cooling not warming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtjeNvTwYeU&ab_channel=JustHaveaThink
411. There is no climate emergency. https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/there-is-no-climate-emergency-say-500-experts-in-letter-to-the-united-nations/
412. Deceptive climate reporting by the media?. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYSLttmmbjE&ab_channel=MahyarTousi
413. The push-back against Net Zero https://open.substack.com/pub/melaniephillips/p/the-push-back-against-net-zero?r=8t7h3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
414. NASA again involved in fakery?  https://rumble.com/v2zbndi-climate-fakery-part-9.html
415. Astounding idiotic science about Antarctica. https://rumble.com/v3bc67v-million-year-decades.html
416. The Real Climate Deniers. https://rumble.com/v3aki8b-climate-deniers.html
417. The World is getting Cooler. https://rumble.com/v3b2ddz-ignoring-the-evidence.html
418. More climate falsehoods - when will it stop? https://rumble.com/v3daudf-climate-expert-dr-fauci.html
Sept 2023
419. The NASA Sea Ice Deception. https://rumble.com/v3dry43-my-eight-millionth-birthday.html
420. The Antarctic Deception. https://rumble.com/v3dry43-my-eight-millionth-birthday.html
421. The number of hot days is decreasing. https://rumble.com/v3i0k7f-hiding-the-decline-in-hot-days.html
422. Trying to 'sink' San Francisco https://rumble.com/v3hzwxr-saving-san-francisco.html
423. Democracy Dies in Darkness?  https://rumble.com/v3hzxlv-democracy-dies-in-darkness.html
424. Million Year Decades?. https://rumble.com/v3bc67v-million-year-decades.html
425. Fact Checking 30+ Climate forecasts.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1e5HAZo4iw&ab_channel=FactsMatterwithRomanBalmakov
426. The truth about CO2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnjozntXnZ4&ab_channel=IvorCummins
427. Fraudulent manipulation of climate data https://rumble.com/v3c8lex-contaminating-good-data-with-bad.html
428. Inadequte data from Africa. https://rumble.com/v3kshxv-assessing-government-climate-agencies.html
429. See how fraudulent climate forecasting is. https://rumble.com/v3l99ov-forecasting-climate-change.html
430. No Correlation Climate and CO2. https://shortfall.blog/hard-questions-for-those-who-believe-co2-is-driving-our-climate-9-what-does-the-phanerozoic-data-eac3ba62c776
Oct 2023
431. Hilariously wrong Climate Predictions https://redstate.com/kiradavis/2017/04/24/18-environmental-doomsday-predictions-1970-turned-hilariously-wrong-n70988
432. The Climate Crisis of 1896. https://rumble.com/v2qddpx-the-climate-crisis-of-1896.html
433. The reality of the Greenhouse Effect.. https://youtu.be/KhCKYvETYDc[
434. The real climate comedians. https://rumble.com/v3ooz1m-old-climate-comedians.html
435. Absurd Climate Predictions. https://youtu.be/fmy0tXcNTPs
436. Not Climate - just weather. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/19/nyt-claims-record-september-temperature-indicates-accelerated-climate-change-it-doesnt/
437. The Lunatic EPA plan. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/18/automakers-finally-blast-biden-epa-plan-to-hike-fuel-efficiency-rules-would-boost-avg-vehicle-price-by-3000with-absolutely-no-environmental-or-fuel-savings-benefits/
438. 1871 Climate Superstition. https://realclimate.science/1871-climate-superstition/
439. Hiding the numbers of Polar Bears. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/17/polar-bear-researchers-hiding-significant-increase-in-southern-hudson-bay-numbers/
440. True cost of net zero lunacy: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/10/20/matt-ridley-the-official-true-cost-of-net-zero-is-the-same-as-spending-1-a-second-for-the-next-31000-years/
441. The (failed) prediction time line. https://wattsupwiththat.com/failed-prediction-timeline/
Nov 2023
442. The reality of Net Zero even if it could work. https://youtu.be/2bJTOymi3eo
443. Climate 'catastrophorising' - again. https://youtu.be/jUmbclHO0pk
444. Why it is called "Climate Idiocy". https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/07/21/new-greenland-ice-sheet-study-shows-why-its-called-climate-idiocy/
445. New errors in climate science. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2018/10/29/plants-fight-climate-change-night-better-previously-thought/
446. Peak climate absurdity? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/11/17/peak-cognitive-dissonance-for-the-climate-scare/
447. The False Climate scares. https://rumble.com/v1y1q2g-there-is-no-climate-emergency-tony-heller.html
448. Yet more climate misinformation from the BBC. https://rumble.com/v2md3gi-tony-heller-hiding-the-hottest-month-on-record-tony-heller.html
449. The REAL Climate Deniers. https://youtu.be/Zx-zqKfUoRw
450. Gulf Stream Scare fraud. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/11/15/gulf-stream-collapse-scare-debunked-by-royal-society/
451. Climate just does not fit the script. https://youtu.be/YF4LoBeYfzA
452. Quick, change the tide prediction - again!! https://youtu.be/v3FSRawUXdk
453. The crazy nonsense of Climate Change. https://youtu.be/esfqxOA3bzQ
Dec 2023
454. All-Time Cold Record Flies in the Face of Media Reporting. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/11/28/new-antarctic-all-time-cold-record-flies-in-the-face-of-media-reporting/
455. Alarmists are denying scientific principles. https://rumble.com/v3y6sqs-tony-heller-denying-scientific-principles.html
456. The problem is not CO2. https://rumble.com/v2bdh9k-tony-heller-debunks-co2-as-a-cause-of-global-warming.html
457. Natural disasters are decreasing after all. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/01/natural-disasters-are-not-increasing-really/
458. The misinformation about ocean acidification. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/01/un-refutable-evidence-of-alarmists-ocean-acidification-misinformation-in-3-easy-lessons/
459. The madness of under road EV charging. https://youtu.be/035_O8g6wF8
460. Failed predictions uncovered. https://wattsupwiththat.com/failed-prediction-timeline/
461. Now Net Zero is the real problem. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/12/08/netzero-is-impeding-progress-on-un-sustainable-development-goals/
462. Killer Heat wave dishonesty - again. https://youtu.be/oA6NIuAI4Eo
463. Prediction failures - again. https://wattsupwiththat.com/failed-prediction-timeline/
464. More sea ice in Greenland today than in 1979! How could this be? https://x.com/tonyclimate/status/1739656735697354818?s=46&t=zi8TjEcXEq0THyGNqeULnA
465. But it's already been debunked. https://youtu.be/2tfkDcsDlU0
Jan 2024
466. A quite appalling temperature-record fraud in Australia. https://youtu.be/b8P3QL5Xs0A
467. Climate realism at last. https://youtu.be/ewJ6TI8ccAw
468. Now we have apparent 'misuse' of data from the Congo https://youtu.be/gdm1JExY6fw
469. Policy based on fake data. https://youtu.be/BPVs-hWf7D4
470. Arctic sea ice is in good shape and self controlling. https://youtu.be/UiAhVCcw730
471. Climate 'Fact Check' December 2023. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/04/climate-fact-check-december-2023/
472. Fraudulent Climate Data-Tampering by US agencies exposed? https://youtu.be/JN_Qs4Z0mIc
473. Followed by even more Fraudulent Tampering? https://youtu.be/HEhxw0qCZRw
474. Rethinking the importance of coal. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/06/coals-life-saving-role-ignored-by-climate-obsessed-media/
475. 96% of US Climate Data is now corrupted. https://heartland.org/wp-content/uploads/documents/2022_Surface_Station_Report.pdf
476. Magical Science In South America. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/01/magical-science-in-south-america/
477. US weather just like it was in 1936?  https://realclimatescience.com/2024/01/1936-deja-vu/
478. Climate Seance? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npQJwbG7mfw
478. The James Hanson Prediction Failures https://youtu.be/TBVV3K7_EhM
479. Northern Hemisphere snow is right on the 1967-2023 average. https://realclimate.science/2024/01/11/nbc-news-expert-analysis/#gsc.tab=0
480. More US Climate Data Tampering. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/01/four-degrees-of-data-tampering-at-audubon-iowa/#gsc.tab=0
481. Antarctic Ice Shelf more stable that thought. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/12/climate-change-weekly-493-the-antarctic-ice-shelf-is-more-stable-than-climate-alarmists-assert/
482. The 'Wonders' of Scottish Climate Science. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/14/snp-green-scheme-35m-and-take-almost-1000-years-recoup-cost/
483. Ice is INCREASING not decreasing. https://youtu.be/yIQSZ_Tlqmo
484. Is NIWA (the New Zealand Met Office) also joining the world climate fraud too? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/15/climate-fraud-in-new-zealand/
485. Feynman on the principles of REAL Science. Climatologists please  note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYPapE-3FRw&ab_channel=seabala
486. Yet MORE data tampering by NOAA!!. How can this be? https://youtu.be/yDo7Qv2hF6U
487. Creating An Imaginary Climate Crisis. https://youtu.be/nqrBTn6M5kA
488. Antarctica’s “Heatwave” Increased Antarctica’s Ice Sheet! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/19/un-educated-climate-alarmists-are-dumbfounded-to-learn-antarcticas-record-breaking-heatwave-increased-antarcticas-ice-sheet/
489. Tokyo's climate has been cooling since 1997 - not warming!  How odd... https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/20/tokyo-annual-temperature-trend-hasnt-seen-any-warming-in-decades/
490. The Global Warming/Climate Change Scam. https://realclimatescience.com/the-definitive-data-on-the-global-warmingclimate-change-scam/#gsc.tab=0
491. A clear summary of climate manipulation. https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
492. Hot weather not affecting river runoff. https://phys.org/news/2023-04-hotter-weather-diminishing-runoff-river.html
493. 'Supposed glacier scares' emerge again and STILL they are still wrong.... https://youtu.be/bt_a7v9owd4
494. GWPF’s Net Zero Watch Newsletter has the headline “Net Zero is dying. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/21/markers-along-the-road-to-the-death-of-net-zero/
495. There is no climate crisis. https://realclimatescience.com/there-is-no-climate-crisis/
496. Yet more data fiddling by NOAA. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/25/noaas-year-2023-selected-significant-climate-anomalies-and-events-diagram-misrepresents-both-anomalies-and-events/
497. Latest: every one of 36 Climate Models is wrong. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/25/dr-roy-spencer-new-article-on-climate-models-vs-observations/
498. Best evidence yet that it's the sun and not CO2? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/27/noaas-graph-provides-best-evidence-that-solar-heating-is-warming-the-oceans-not-co2/
499. The problem of Heatwave Fakery.  https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
500. Now temperature manipulation moves to Uruguay: https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
501. Now today's climate 'fraud' is all about Wild Fires. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-__pY6Dp5M&ab_channel=TonyHeller
502. EVs “improperly benefit from an erroneous interpretation by the U.S. DOE. https://www.texaspolicy.com/press/tppf-releases-study-exposing-the-true-cost-of-electric-vehicles
503.So there is a Climate correlation with sunspots after all. https://youtu.be/Cn0pSud8aig
Feb 2024
504. When Cooling becomes Warming All on its own?. https://realclimatescience.com/?__cf_chl_tk=m1OP_Lu_PdJQf0IkhXyWI2tI9GxGK9n1ah..pkZNRE0-1706820777-0-gaNycGzNEjs#gsc.tab=0
505. Another 'Dead Canary! https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
506. Ten Years Since The End Of Snow!!. https://youtu.be/3i6hbxh4Efk
507. Even more Sea level inccuracy reported (or fraud?) https://realclimatescience.com/2024/02/rapidly-rising-sea-level/#gsc.tab=0
508. More on sea level tampering. https://youtu.be/hc8afrWo0_c
509. No warming since 1900 but after tampering there is. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/02/adjusting-salta-argentina/#gsc.tab=0
510.Scientific errors by Seattle Times.  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/07/is-northwest-snow-history-scientific-errors-in-a-major-seattle-times-climate-story/
511. Now even more climate nonsense. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/08/the-next-big-climate-scare-counting-climate-change-deaths/
512. Arctic Sea Ice increases. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/10/arctic-sea-ice-continues-its-stonking-recovery/
513. US Data from 2005 shows no obvious warming during this period. https://wattsupwiththat.com/u-s-surface-temperature/
514. NASA Data Tampering PROVED again. https://youtu.be/GZEVj5CCLjE
515. Reality over the Greenland Ice Sheet. https://wattsupwiththat.com/greenland-ice-loss-will-cause-dangerous-sea-level-rise/
516. UK Met Office admit No Evidence of increase in storms after all. https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2024/02/12/met-office-cannot-provide-evidence-for-more-intense-storms-claim/?mc_cid=a7b08419d5&mc_eid=4961da7cb1
517. Modelling madness, Tipping is optional. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/11/tipping-is-optional/
518. Yet another NY Times fake climate story exposed. https://youtu.be/pS0px6UVPfU
519. More on global cooling. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/02/1c-temperature-drop/
520. An astonishing lack of real science just to stifle sceptics. https://youtu.be/rJIw7ulYaGk
521. Wildly inaccurate climate modelling. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/19/new-study-climate-models-get-water-vapor-wildly-wrong-a-major-gap-in-our-understanding/
522. The non-disappearing US beaches. https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
523. Record highest US temperatures by State. https://realclimate.science/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Screenshot-from-2024-02-20-05-39-45.png
524. Unbelievable record in North Carolina. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/02/south-carolina-state-climatology-office/
525. Record bad thermometer data. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/02/record-bad-thermometer-data/
525. From Wrong Science to Fraud science starting 2012. https://notrickszone.com/2012/02/25/klaus-eckhart-puls-hello-globalcooling-scientists-bordering-on-fraud/
526. Further proof of Climate Data Tampering. https://youtu.be/nAuM7qWFkZ8
527. Heatwaves are nothing new and not due to man made climate change. https://youtu.be/_W0Mc85mCns
Mar 2024
NB: There is a small risk of entry duplication by us at the moment owing to the frightening number of discoveries of government data tampering. We apologise in case this happens to you. If you spot any such please tell the webmaster..
528. Climate Data Tampering yet again. https://youtu.be/ai4j6zc2OPo
529. Climate absurdity in Australia. https://youtu.be/2FFYlRrWybY
530. Climate tampering in Tennessee. https://youtu.be/nAuM7qWFkZ8
531. 8 out of 10 uk weather stations have errors. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/01/exclusive-a-third-of-u-k-met-office-temperature-stations-may-be-wrong-by-up-to-5c-foi-reveals/
532. The worst drought in 1200 years?  Really? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nr9dQn7VUKg?feature=share
533. UK Met office's junk data. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/04/met-office-must-account-for-the-junk-temperature-data-propping-up-net-zero-insanity/
534. Now we have proof of world sea level data tampering. https://youtu.be/OU7la2gp7vw
535. The true Cost of Net Zero: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/07/population-is-not-being-told-the-true-cost-of-net-zero-warns-former-world-bank-economist/
536. Climate advocates have a long history of trying to tie disasters to climate change,
537. The reality of US climate. https://youtu.be/evVWC_e2w58
538. Tennesee and the Solar Cycle. https://youtu.be/K_mzytl3i3Y
539. Dangerously misleading Information. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/13/teaching-the-science-virginia-styhttps://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/13/teaching-the-science-virginia-stylele
540. The informed denier of Climate Change. https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
541. Squaw Valley misinformation exposed.https://youtu.be/s75BuFT-ZKk
542. How the UK Climate Change Committee Dupes UK Parliament https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/01/28/more-revelations-emerge-of-how-the-climate-change-committee-dupes-parliament-into-voting-for-net-zero-measures/

543.Polar bears survive. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/10/hudson-bay-polar-bears-now-considered-most-likely-to-survive-future-sea-ice-loss/

544. The Squaw Valley snow fraud. https://youtu.be/s75BuFT-ZKk
545. Dr Ridd on the great Barrier Reef. https://youtu.be/24kGGAVDslE
546. Sea ice everywhere thickens. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/24/unusual-cold-plagues-both-northern-southern-hemispheres-arctic-sea-ice-strengthens/#respond
547. Climate The Movie - at last. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/20/climate-the-movie-watch-here/
548. The URGENT need for scepticism in science. https://youtu.be/EJLEGVysy-c
549. Facts are the opposite of this BBC concocted story. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/27/no-more-beer/
550. More sea ice explanations needed. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/03/28/2024-arctic-sea-ice-maximum-a-whopping-14th-below-average-following-hottest-year-since-1850/
551. The real ice thickness fraud. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF7pUUd7IXk
April 2024
552.Hiding and Rewriting History. https://youtu.be/LF7pUUd7IXk
553. Now (it seems) the UK Met Office  could be involved in climate data fixing.  Can this be true? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/03/met-office-uses-junk-temperature-measurements-to-fill-world-treasure-350-year-temperature-record/
554. No obvious warming declared at last! https://wattsupwiththat.com/u-s-surface-temperature/
555. Now NOAA shows no link between CO2 & Climate. https://youtu.be/sGy3lTFpy8s
556. Sea levels now falling not rising. Guardian forecast shown to be wrong. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/07/islands-that-climate-alarmists-said-would-soon-disappear-due-to-rising-sea-found-to-have-grown-in-size/
557. A new approach to Climate Policy. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/12/the-honest-story-of-climate-change-part-2-with-a-new-course-towards-a-hopeful-future/
558. The Honest Story of Climate Change.https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/11/the-honest-story-of-climate-change-part-i-weighed-down-by-fear-and-intimidation/
559. The reality of climate change. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/16/observation-of-the-earth-shows-that-deforestation-and-urbanization-cause-three-times-more-warming-than-co2/
560. Germany's Great Green Energies economic debacle. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/16/rise-and-fall-of-the-german-economy-energy-debacle-leading-to-economic-meltdown/
561. Plastic bags four times better than paper! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/15/shock-findings-plastic-shopping-bags-cause-around-four-times-less-carbon-emissions-than-paper-substitutes/
562. Yet more temperature fraud in the USA. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/18/l-a-times-cherry-picks-misrepresents-noaa-climate-data-to-exaggerate-march-2024-u-s-and-global-temperature-outcomes/
563. The belief that CO2 can regulate climate is 'sheer absurdity'. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/05/the-belief-that-co2-can-regulate-climate-is-sheer-absurdity.php
564. The nonsense of supposed  green energy surplus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWOShRZ7Y7o
565. Forgetting Antarctic Sea ice levels - yet again - no science here then?.  https://youtu.be/sPR5h3fJmNU
566. Yet more climate stupidity https://youtu.be/OgWaRF9E45c
May 2024
567. Polar bears and the coral revival. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/04/29/polar-bears-they-are-going-extinct/
568. The Guardian totally WRONG on climate yet again. https://youtu.be/NLHy1-A9q_k
569. Sheer climate reporting dishonesty again - Far East. https://youtu.be/o6zAYk-4ZIY
570. Much 'sea-level' ado about nothing? https://youtu.be/mneWUjtstLc
571. Harvard completely out of touch. https://youtu.be/hj5_GmFAMEc
572. There is no climate emergency in the US - NOAA. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/11/noaas-latest-temperature-climate-data-establishes-there-is-no-climate-emergency/
573. More Climate absurdity https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/14/washington-post-have-cold-showers-to-prevent-climate-change/
574. So it is the solar cycle and not CO2 after all. https://youtu.be/K_mzytl3i3Y
575. Great Barrier Reef corals are fine.  https://youtu.be/areO6pET2sw
576. Arctic Sea supposedly Ice gone by 2012? https://youtu.be/AZdrno8ccPco8ccPc
577. Most climate science is nonsense. https://youtu.be/r71FheeYe8o
578. UK Electricity generation can never be green. https://youtu.be/OQ5HCXf_Iks
579. Now NOAA admits world temperature peaked 12 years ago. So CO2 is blameless. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/17/noaas-latest-climate-data-shows-the-global-land-region-temperature-anomaly-peaked-in-february-2016-over-8-years-ago/https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/17/noaas-latest-climate-data-shows-the-global-land-region-temperature-anomaly-peaked-in-february-2016-over-8-years-ago/
580. The idiocy of EVs. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/02/08/the-uk-govts-version-of-ev-facts/
581. More climate science errors. https://youtu.be/eBq2T6g8kQ0
582. Now Canadian burn acreage data suppressed to justify 'climate connexion'.   https://youtu.be/znXKMPARXww
583. More inept sea ice claims. https://youtu.be/gt9KMlJVVas
584. Crazy climate forecasts - None true. https://youtu.be/5y-9TWWxUZU
585. Now the UK Met Office is adjusting historic data.https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/27/concerns-mount-as-met-office-fiddles-with-historic-temperature-record-in-exact-way-planned-in-leaked-climategate-emails/
586. An excellent review of solar cycles and climate. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/08/08/the-effects-of-the-bray-climate-and-solar-cycle/
587. The ten year flip between incorrect Climate Scares. https://youtu.be/5y-9TWWxUZU
June 2024
588. The Hurricane Prevention Diet. https://youtu.be/QjB74mkgnFk
589. China's CO2 emissions falling? https://youtu.be/XGnJ4RFmSGs
590. Fooled by the UN. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/03/fooled-on-climate-and-energy-by-un-lobbyists/
591. Yet more climate forecast nonsense. https://youtu.be/ktLIUVEaaQ0
592. No Climate Doom after all. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/06/author-of-new-paper-no-amoc-collapseshould-dissuade-people-from-climate-doomism/
593. Now there is no recent climate warming! https://wattsupwiththat.com/u-s-surface-temperature/
594. The truth about recent temperatures in India. https://youtu.be/Gnc_mFDRy6M
595. The REAL truth about CO2 levels. https://youtu.be/m89RfnOTves
596. Climate Science incompetence again now. https://youtu.be/eBq2T6g8kQ
597. The real reason that Venus is so hot. https://youtu.be/KYtoOM-YUbg
598. The message spreads. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/19/bbc-worried-about-kenyan-farmers-climate-scepticism/
599. The REAL reality of climate. https://youtu.be/w2ymYu1p6SQ
600. A Record heatwave in 2024??  Really?? https://youtu.be/Gs9r2KFjatY
601. In 2012 they said it was game over for the climate.  https://youtu.be/PARVTaszHCU
July 2024
602. Reality finally dawns re the Maldives. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/06/28/maldives-are-not-being-submerged-after-all-nyt-as-reported-at-wuwt-for-over-a-decade/
603. Net Zero Intelligence???. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pM9Ddq2aMLI/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCNACELwBSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLC7ZuZRmvh7VmlfHBC0Sxw_-3KpqA
604. Looney Tunes on climate from the new UK Labour government. https://youtu.be/rOcSfbN7BBI
605. Extreme climate risks now allegedly non-negotiable! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/24/london-must-prepare-for-climate-change-says-green-blob/
606. UK's Silly Climate Science thinking. https://youtu.be/T9fIyFoHucM
607. A Climate 'Heretic' proved right. https://youtu.be/418J9FMH538
608. Antarctic temperatures at RECORD new low https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/07/27/chinese-academy-of-sciences-antarctic-cold-spells-shattered-records-in-july-august-2023/
609. Propaganda is NOT science. https://youtu.be/dIGat8l_pGE
Aug 2024
610. Glacier is growing not shrinking. https://youtu.be/kuuCNYLpKpI
611. NOAA Data Tampering - AGAIN https://youtu.be/Oeiq-sTbBX8
612.  Now Texas tamperinghttps://realclimatescience.com/2024/08/messing-with-texas-6/#gsc.tab=0Texas data tampering
613. Yet more NOAA Data tampering - NOT science. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/08/painting-the-world-red/#gsc.tab=0
614. A Poor Autumn/Fall 2024? https://realclimatescience.com/2024/08/painting-the-world-red/#gsc.tab=0
615. Causality shoehorning again tries to generate false science. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/08/21/shoehorning-a-fire-into-the-climate-narrative/
616. The long term decline in wildfires. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145421/building-a-long-term-record-of-fire
617. Is this why there is no climate change? https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
618. Declaring record heat without data. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/08/record-heat-in-africa/#gsc.tab=0
619. The Absurdity of Climate Alarmism. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/08/23/floridas-fossil-fuel-renaissance-why-the-sunshine-state-is-laughing-off-climate-hysteria/
620. It never came to pass Dr Mann. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/08/23/live-at-1-pm-et-hurricane-season-2024-were-the-predictions-wrong-again-the-climate-realism-show-124/
621. The Orwellian Maps. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/08/orwellian-nasa-maps/#gsc.tab=0
622. Yet more failed climate 'predictions'.https://wattsupwiththat.com/failed-prediction-timeline/
623. Sea Temperatures now falling when others think they are rising. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/08/28/party-over-for-alarmists-as-sea-temperatures-plunge-around-the-world/
624. Over 10% more world food due in 2024-5. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/08/28/record-setting-crops-are-good-news-bloomberg-thanks-for-reporting-it/
625. The fake climate news from the NY Times.https://youtu.be/pS0px6UVPfU
Sept 2024
626. 2012 forecast of "imminent" collapse of Arctic sea ice? Ice extent has increased 24% since then! 
627. Greenland’s Ice Sheet perfectly normal https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/09/02/greenland-icecap-carries-on-as-normal/
628. CO2 Proved not to be driving the Hurricane Seasons. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/09/07/mysteries-surrounding-the-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season-co2-definitely-not-the-driving-factor/
629. Earth not warming after all.  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/09/25/media-confirms-the-earth-is-not-abnormally-warm-rather-it-is-in-its-coldest-period-in-485-million-years/
630. Record Arctic sea ice growth. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/09/record-arctic-sea-ice-growth-2/#gsc.tab=0
631. But the science is certain. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/09/the-science-is-absolutely-certain/#gsc.tab=0
632. Asia clearly understands. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/09/electricity-is-proportional-to-co2/#gsc.tab=0
633. An increase in hurricanes? Really? https://realclimatescience.com/2024/09/ai-climate-math/#gsc.tab=0
634. More climate trickery. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/09/29/gergis-accuses-aussie-government-of-climate-trickery/
Oct 2024
635. CBS gets the facts wrong - again.  https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/10/01/cbs-gets-the-facts-wrong-about-hurricane-helene-and-hurricane-trends/#comments
636.  A real climate Clown Show.https://realclimatescience.com/2024/09/time-travelling-satellites/#gsc.tab=0
637.  Surely NASA this is fraud? https://realclimatescience.com/2024/09/nasa-sea-level/#gsc.tab=0
638.. The laughable side of Climate "Science" https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/10/09/climate-activists-frustrated-by-ipccs-refusal-to-link-extreme-weather-with-carbon-emissions/
639. Little or no human involvement in most extreme weather events. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/10/19/scientists-find-no-change-in-global-warming-rate-since-1970-despite-hottest-year-ever-in-2023/
640. The desperation of 'climate scientists'. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/10/milton-propaganda/#gsc.tab=0
641. But, but, but the science is certain. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/09/the-science-is-absolutely-certain/#gsc.tab=0
642. Ten Questions never answered. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/10/24/chris-martz-asks-climate-fundamentalists-ten-fundamental-questions/
643. Scientific malfeasance and fraud. https://realclimatescience.com/2024/10/poisoning-the-climate-soup-2/#gsc.tab=0
644. Well, how was it before? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/10/30/ten-fundamental-climate-questions-the-media-and-climate-alarmists-cant-or-wont-answer/
Nov 2024
655. Yet more BBC climate hysteria https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/11/05/flooding-facts-drowned-by-climate-hysteria-the-bbc-ignores-spains-weather-history/
656. More Green Enery Unicorns. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/11/01/ed-milibands-net-zero-department-given-22-more-cash-to-waste-on-green-energy-unicorns-and-other-budget-horrors/
657. But the Climate was settled! Until now. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/11/02/for-the-second-time-in-a-week-climate-scientists-surprised-with-an-increased-co2-absorption-mechanism/
658. Recent Hurricanes not affected by Climate Change. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/11/16/no-hurricanes-helene-and-milton-were-not-supercharged-by-climate-change/
659. Climate Emergency finally declared to be at an end
Dec 2024
660. Making CO2 great again.https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/11/25/lets-make-co2-great-again/
661. Now the EPA is hiding data. https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
662. Winters today colder than last ice age https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0
Jan 2025
663. Yet more climate 'Fraud' from the UK Met Office. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/12/31/met-office-claims-to-have-been-recording-temperatures-at-stornoway-airport-30-years-before-aeroplanes-were-invented/
664. Wild fires NOT climate related. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/01/08/why-california-wildfires-are-not-climate-driven-a-historical-and-meteorological-perspective/
665. Net Zero concept dead? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/01/11/a-huge-win-woke-cartel-of-financial-giants-dealt-death-blow-11-days-before-trump-takes-office/
666. Scientific Societies in error. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/01/13/scientific-societies-err-on-climate-change/
667. Now there is a critical flaw in predictions of sea level rise. https://scitechdaily.com/glacier-experts-uncover-critical-flaw-in-sea-level-rise-predictions/
668. The clear falsity of climate science. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/01/26/no-usa-today-associated-press-and-others-record-cold-and-snowfall-in-the-united-states-arent-caused-by-climate-change/
669. Climate reality dawns! https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/01/25/facebook-fact-checks-prof-will-happer/
Feb 2025
670. Dire Gulf Stream forecast is nonsense. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2025/02/06/bbc-rides-to-the-rescue-as-scientists-inconveniently-find-the-gulf-stream-isnt-getting-weaker/

Back to Top597.


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